Energy Systems and Solutions

Energy Systems and Solutions

Power System Projects

TSIP has a track record of successfully delivering high quality software for Digital Substation Devices and Tools associated with it. The team designs and develops software by referring IEC, IEEE and NERC-CIP standards in the area of Energy Systems.

TSIP has dedicated Product Validation team to ensure end-to-end functionality of developed solutions/product, reliability assessment, security testing using manual and automated methods.

Digital Substation Devices

Digital Substation has various devices deployed at Station, Bay and Process levels for automating various functionalities. Station Bus and Process Bus connects these devices in a substation.

Digital Substation Devices

IED & Merging Units

IED devices are used in the Digital Substations at Bay Level and their primary functionality is to provide protection from various faults/disturbances (ex: overcurrent). They are designed to disconnect the faulted system element automatically when faults are detected. IEDs support communication and Security functions as per the IEC standards (ex: IEC 61850, IEC 62351) for substation automation.

Merging units provide functionality to digitize analog measurement data as well as Process Interface Unit (PIU) functionality for converting binary input/output signals. Merging Units are present at Process Level.

TSIP plays key role in developing Digital, Standards-compliant, and Secure embedded firmware for the below areas

  • Communication features as per IEC 61850 “Communication networks and systems for power utility automation” standard
  • Cyber Security features as per IEC 62351, NERC-CIP and IEEE 1686
  • Process Bus features for IED as well as Merging Units
  • Support for various Application Networking protocols (IEC 104, IEC 101, IEC 103, DNP3, Modbus, MMS, GOOSE

IEC based Conformance tests are also carried out by designated international authorities before deploying these devices in substations.

Digital Substation Devices Digital Substation Devices

Station Computer


Station computer is a substation server device which operates at Station Level in a Substation, supporting following functions-

  • Control and monitoring functions
  • Remote control center interface function
  • Data recording function
  • Other functions as required by the individual project.

As the station computer is a critical device, it uses similar hardware to that used for industrial applications, with the emphasis on reliability.

TSIP develops Security functions based on IEC 62351 and NERC-CIP standard.

Engineering, Monitoring & Security Tools for Digital Substation

Engineering & Monitoring Tool

Engineering tool provides interface to connect with IEDs. User can easily change various type of settings such as protection parameter, communication setting, and I/O setting. Additionally, it displays fault and disturbance records captured and stored by IEDs, which enables users to analyze the disturbance waveform in detail.

TSIP develops Communication functions based on IEC 61850 and Security functions based on IEC 62351 and NERC-CIP standards for Engineering Tool.

HMI for Operator and Engineering Workstation

HMI is a Windows based tool deployed on Operator and Engineering workstations. Primary function is to control and monitor the Station Computer device.

TSIP develops Communication functions based on IEC 61850 and Security functions based on IEC 62351 and NERC-CIP standards for Engineering Tool.

Identity & Access Management Tools

Identity and Access Management Tools are developed and hosted on Server which ensures Role based Access Management. These tools enable secure access to IED and Station Computer.

TSIP develops Security functions for the tool based on IEC 62351 and NERC-CIP standards.

Key Technologies




IoT Projects

TSIP has a track record of successfully delivering large scale IoT projects.

  • Secure software for embedded + IoT edge devices
  • Scalable reliable and multi-tenant IoT based cloud solutions on Azure and AWS for smart energy and smart home systems
  • Intuitive Android mobile applications for user interaction
  • Web applications for solution administration and management.

TSIP has a dedicated Quality Assurance team ensuring.

  • End-to-End efficiency of developed solutions/product.
  • Security through comprehensive testing methods.
  • Reliability assessment
  • Fuzz testing
  • Security testing using automated methods

Embedded Systems

Communication Hub

Communication Hub is a device that supports multiple energy supplier use cases remotely, such as

  • Switch energy provider
  • Payment options
  • Historical data
  • Near real-time usage information without any manual intervention

Communications Hub provides a conduit between the Wide Area Network and the Home Area Network enabling control and management of energy use cases.

TSIP develops secure Embedded firmware for Communication hub capable of –

  • Forming Home Area Network using ZigBee on 868MHz and 2.4GHz frequency band
  • Wide Area Network communication using 2G/3G/4G and RF Mesh
  • Management of Over the Air firmware upgrade for Communication Hub and metering devices
  • Compliance to ZigBee SEP1.4 and 3GPP
    • Security framework in compliance with ISO/BS standards such as ISO/IEC 27001:2005, ISO/IEC 27005:2011, ISO/IEC 27033, ISO/IEC 27035:2011, ISO/IEC 22301:2012, ISO/IEC 27031:2011, BS 7858, RFC 3647, RFC 5280

Edge Device (CAD)

Consumer Access Device (CAD), which is an edge device, collects real-time and historic data from smart energy meters over ZigBee and publishes to cloud over the internet for users energy management.

Secure Embedded firmware developed by TSIP and deployed on CAD device is capable of –

  • Establishing secure connection to the cloud solution
  • Collection of real time import and export energy data from smart energy meters
  • Pushing data to cloud through various Internet and M2M protocols.
  • Over The Air firmware support through Cloud to Device commands and Device Twin
  • Data Encryption at rest and transit

Cloud Solutions

Smart Energy Platform

The Smart Energy Platform is a B2B2C platform targeted at energy market with the goal of helping SMEs and individuals to reduce carbon footprint.

TSIP provided multi-tenant, scalable, reliable Smart Energy Cloud platform (SaaS) on Microsoft Azure capable of running analytical algorithms to derive energy insights in compliance with GDPR.

The platform provides the following features:

  • Microservices based architecture with messaging protocol such as MQTT, Server Sent Event, Signal R
  • Secured over the wire communication with OAuth 2.0
  • Resource such as Azure IoT, Azure Active Directory, Key Vault, Logic Apps and more to engage 1 Million Users to platform
  • Highly available platform (> 99.5%), managed using Jenkins CI/CD pipeline deployed in Azure Kubernetes Service via Docker Images
  • Attractive Web Portal with Angular 8
  • Interactive Android Application with Live feeds every 10 seconds

Secure Cloud Solution

A Secure cloud solution based on smart metering network supporting smart EV charging and smart plantation.

Smart EV solution provides smooth EV charging experience for consumers, seamless onboarding of OCPP1.6 complaint charge points, charging at off peak times using cheaper electricity, auto scheduling of EV charging.

Smart plantation solution increases life time of plants installed on lamp posts by providing ideal environment by retrieving sensors data in real time. This solution is capable of connecting with Smart metering network through ZigBee or 2G/3G.